Cantine Lombardini – Lambrusco Rosso Spumante

Producer: Cantine Lombardini
Wine: Labrusco Rosso Spumante
Grape Variety:
Production Zone: Novarella
Surface Area/Yield:
Vinification & Aging: At the arrival in the winery, the grapes are kept in a cold temperature hall. Afterwards, the wine is pressed for the enzyme extract. After the separation of the must from the skin, the alcoholic fermentation starts at a cool temperature of 64° F for 15 days. The wine is then racked in the stainless steel tanks for oxygenation. After that the wine remains in the tanks for 6 months. Before bottling, it goes through clarification and filtering. Once bottled, the wine ages for 6 additional months prior to release. Note: no malolactic fermentation.
Alcohol: 11.5%
Description: Deep red, with an effervescent foam.
Food Pairing: Pairs well with broiled, braised, and roasted meats, pasta dishes like lasagna.